What and where in speech recognition: Geminates and singletons in spoken Italian
Publication year
Journal of Memory and Language, 63, 3, (2010), pp. 306-332ISSN
Publication type
Article / Letter to editor
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Journal title
Journal of Memory and Language
vol. 63
iss. 3
Page start
p. 306
Page end
p. 332
DI-BCB_DCC_Theme 1: Language and Communication; Learning and Plasticity; PsycholinguisticsAbstract
Four cross-modal repetition priming experiments examined whether consonant duration in Italian provides listeners with information not only for segmental identification ("what" information: whether the consonant is a geminate or a singleton) but also for lexical segmentation ("where" information: whether the consonant is in word-initial or word-medial position). Italian participants made visual lexical decisions to words containing geminates or singletons, preceded by spoken primes (whole words or fragments) containing either geminates or singletons. There were effects of segmental identity (geminates primed geminate recognition; singletons primed singleton recognition), and effects of consonant position (regression analyses revealed graded effects of geminate duration only for geminates which can vary in position, and mixed-effect modeling revealed a positional effect for singletons only in low-frequency words). Durational information appeared to be more important for segmental identification than for lexical segmentation. These findings nevertheless indicate that the same kind of information can serve both "what" and "where" functions in speech comprehension, and that the perceptual processes underlying those functions are interdependent.
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- Academic publications [243399]
- Electronic publications [129912]
- Faculty of Social Sciences [29983]
- Open Access publications [104441]
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