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Onderzoekcentrum voor Staat en Recht
Migrants Rights and Freedoms in EuropeAbstract
The aim of this deliverable is to discuss and critically assess the rules on deprivation of citizenship in the United Kingdom. The UK is among the countries that have recently experienced vivid debates regarding the meaning of citizenship and the rules of its attribution (acquisition and deprivation). There has been a lot of legislative activity in the area of citizenship which has resulted in the strengthening of the nexus between nationality law and immigration law and more recently, nationality law and counter-terrorism measures. This trend has consequently led to changes in the rules on attribution of nationality. More precisely, one can notice the tightening of the rules on acquisition and the relaxation of those on loss of citizenship. Citizenship as a legal status is being acted upon at various scales and sites. Generally there is a trend towards the demise of citizenship as entitlement/right in favour of citizenship as privilege.
This item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Academic publications [248470]
- Faculty of Law [25952]
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