Income, leisure, and happiness
Publication year
Nijmegen : Economie
NICE Working Paper ; 08-116
Number of pages
11 p.
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External research report
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Economische theorie en economisch beleid
NICE Working Paper; Nijmegen Centre for EconomicsAbstract
The income-leisure trade-off, whilst prominent in textbooks, is largely absent in the incomehappiness
debate. Multilevel or hierarchical linear modeling is introduced and used to
investigate the income-leisure-happiness nexus. Leisure has a positive effect on happiness,
but lowers the effect of per-capita GDP on self-reported happiness. This is in contrast to
existing within-country evidence, and a likely explanation is that per-capita income proxies
for leisure—the two are positively correlated. Further at odds with this previous research, no
sex differences are found with respect to the effect of income and leisure on happiness.
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- Academic publications [248470]
- Electronic publications [135727]
- Nijmegen School of Management [18965]
- Open Access publications [108995]
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