Aan boord, maar buiten de boot. Buitenlandse wernemers in de zeescheepvaart 1970-2005
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Nijmegen : Wolf Legal Publishers
Böcker, A.; Havinga, T.; Minderhoud, P. (ed.), Migratierecht en rechtssociologie, gebundeld in Kees' studies. Migration Law and Sociology of Law, Collected Essays in honour of Kees Groenendijk, pp. 93-101Publication type
Part of book or chapter of book
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Böcker, A.
Havinga, T.
Minderhoud, P.
Put, H. van
Groot-van Leeuwen, L. de
Hart, B. de
Jettinghoff, A.
Zwaan, K.
Centrum voor Migratierecht
Book title
Böcker, A.; Havinga, T.; Minderhoud, P. (ed.), Migratierecht en rechtssociologie, gebundeld in Kees' studies. Migration Law and Sociology of Law, Collected Essays in honour of Kees Groenendijk
Page start
p. 93
Page end
p. 101
Migrants Rights and Freedoms in EuropeThis item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Academic publications [242948]
- Electronic publications [129673]
- Faculty of Law [26429]
- Open Access publications [104246]
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