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Environmental Science
Key words
Conservation, Trees, Threats, global change, climate change, rates of change, threat quantification, species prioritizationAbstract
The 'Rates of Recent Change' repository includes all processed data, scripts and output of this scientific paper:
Boonman, C.C.F., J. M. Serra-Diaz, S. Hoeks, W.-Y. Guo, B. J. Enquist, B. Maitner, Y. Malhi, C. Merow, R. Buitenwerf, J.-C. Svenning, (2024). More than 17,000 tree species are at risk from rapid global change. Nature Communications, 15(1), 166.
Species’ extents can be downloaded as spatial polygons - please note that water nor unsuitable climate zones are removed from these polygons.
Candidate species for prioritization for each included threat, small range, outliers, line polygons and all combined can be downloaded from Prioritization95.txt, where the number 95 indicates the threshold used to make these list. The different lists are indicated by the name of the threat.
All prioritization lists include two columns: 1. Scientific species names, 2. IUCN Red List conservation status groups (see below; data retrieved on the 12th of January 2023). The geographic distribution for these candidate species in the form of .tif files per threat and the global species richness can be requested.
All the R code that was used to process the data and create the figures are available numbered by the order of use:
# Files to get the data, of which some need functions that are also provided
# Files to create the results
1.Figures.R which requires PlottingFunctions.R
3.Numbers.R which produces all the numbers that are mentioned in the paper
4.FiguresGlobalMaps.R which maps all the prioritization species densities
5.RRC.too.small.sp.R which produces the numbers and figures for the seperate analysis on species with extremely small extents
Rates of recent change values per threat per species can be downloaded from RatesOfRecentChange.csv
This .csv file contains all processed data used in this study, and is saved with comma seperator, dot decimal, including header.
Each row (n=32,090) is a species and each column (n=27) contains different information.
For all columns identified by 'slope', the mblm slopes are set to 0 when p-value >0.05.
The IUCN statuses as provided here are a recategorized from the official IUCN statuses into conservation status group , as follows:
"LR/lc" "LR/nt" "LR/cd" "NT" "LC" = "NotThreatened",
"CR" "EN" "EW" "EX" = "Threatened",
"VU" = "Vulnerable",
"DD" = "DD" (where DD stands for data deficient),
no data = "NotEvaluated"
Columns names and units:
1. 'species' species names, bound by _
2. 'eoo_km2' species extent size, with the unit m2 (to convert to km2, divide the EOO by 1,000,000)
3. 'IUCNstatus' IUCN conservation status groups: Threatened, Vulnerable, NotThreatened, DD (data deficient), NotEvaluated based on IUCN statuses retrieved on the 12th of January 2023
4. 'Assess_year' year of IUCN assessment per species retrieved on the 12th of January 2023
5. 'slope_fire' rate of burned area change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2020, with the unit % of species' extent area per year
6. 'rate_deforestation' rate of deforestation over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2020, with the unit % of species' extent area per year
7. 'rate_cropland' rate of cropland expansion over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2020, with the unit % of species' extent area per year
8. 'rate_urban' rate of build-up increase over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2020, with the unit % of species' extent area per year
9. 'rate_treecover_change_area' rate of tree cover change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2020, with the unit % of species' extent area per year
10. 'slope_vpd_sd' rate of vapour pressure deficit seasonality (standard deviation) change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2020, with the unit Pa per year
11. 'slope_vpd' rate of vapour pressure deficit change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2020, with the unit Pa per year
12. 'slope_prec_sd' rate of precipitation seasonality (standard deviation) change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2020, with the unit mm per year
13. 'slope_prec' rate of precipitation change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2020, with the unit mm per year
14. 'slope_tmin' rate of minimum temperature change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2020, with the unit °C per year
15. 'slope_tmax' rate of maximum temperature change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2020, with the unit °C per year
16. 'slope_vpd_sd0010' rate of vapour pressure deficit seasonality (standard deviation) change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2010, with the unit Pa per year
17. 'slope_vpd0010' rate of vapour pressure deficit change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2010, with the unit Pa per year
18. 'slope_prec_sd0010' rate of precipitation seasonality (standard deviation) change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2010, with the unit mm per year
19. 'slope_prec0010' rate of precipitation change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2010, with the unit mm per year
20. 'slope_tmin0010' rate of minimum temperature change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2010, with the unit °C per year
21. 'slope_tmax0010' rate of maximum temperature change over the entire species' extent for the years 2000-2010, with the unit °C per year
22. 'slope_vpd_sd1020' rate of vapour pressure deficit seasonality (standard deviation) change over the entire species' extent for the years 2010-2020, with the unit Pa per year
23. 'slope_vpd1020' rate of vapour pressure deficit change over the entire species' extent for the years 2010-2020, with the unit Pa per year
24. 'slope_prec_sd1020' rate of precipitation seasonality (standard deviation) change over the entire species' extent for the years 2010-2020, with the unit mm per year
25. 'slope_prec1020' rate of precipitation change over the entire species' extent for the years 2010-2020, with the unit mm per year
26. 'slope_tmin1020' rate of minimum temperature change over the entire species' extent for the years 2010-2020, with the unit °C per year
27. 'slope_tmax1020' rate of maximum temperature change over the entire species' extent for the years 2010-2020, with the unit °C per year
This item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Datasets [1868]
- Faculty of Science [37457]