Long-Term Evaluation of Spinal Cord Stimulation in Patients With Painful Diabetic Polyneuropathy: An Eight-to-Ten-Year Prospective Cohort Study.
Publication year
Neuromodulation, 26, 5, (2023), pp. 1074-1080ISSN
01 juli 2023
Publication type
Article / Letter to editor
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Internal Medicine
Journal title
vol. 26
iss. 5
Page start
p. 1074
Page end
p. 1080
Radboudumc 6: Metabolic Disorders Internal Medicine; Radboud University Medical CenterAbstract
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the long-term effects of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) in patients with painful diabetic polyneuropathy (PDPN). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective cohort study was the eight-to-ten-year follow-up of a previously performed pilot and randomized controlled trial on the effects of SCS in PDPN, initiated by the multidisciplinary pain center of Maastricht University Medical Center+. The study population consisted of a subgroup of patients who still used SCS treatment ≥ eight years after implantation (n = 19). Pain intensity scores (numeric rating scale [NRS]) during the day and night and data on secondary outcomes (ie, quality of life, depression, sleep quality) were reported during yearly follow-up consultations. Long-term efficacy of SCS was analyzed by comparing the most recently obtained data eight to ten years after implantation with those obtained at baseline. RESULTS: Pain intensity, day and night, was significantly (p < 0.01) reduced by 2.3 (NRS 6.6-4.3) and 2.2 (NRS 6.8-4.6) points, respectively, when comparing the long-term data with baseline. Moreover, for > 50% of patients, the pain reduction was > 30%, which is considered clinically meaningful. No differences were found regarding the secondary outcomes. CONCLUSION: This eight-to-ten-year follow-up study indicates that SCS can remain an effective treatment in the long term to reduce pain intensity in a subcohort of patients with PDPN who still had an SCS device implanted after eight years.
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