Publication year
Psychologie Francaise, 46, 1, (2001), pp. 43-54ISSN
Publication type
Article / Letter to editor
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Journal title
Psychologie Francaise
vol. 46
iss. 1
Page start
p. 43
Page end
p. 54
The paper gives a review of recent published experiments and new evidence on the computation of number and person agreement between a subject and a verb. With respect to number agreement, the evidence shows that the morphophonological transparency of number marking on the subject affects the computation of number agreement. With respect to person agreement, we consider cases of a subject consisting of a coordination of two lexical elements with different person features, like, for example, the coordination of two personal pronouns. The results suggest that the computation of the person feature of such coordinations is driven by two different mechanisms. One mechanism is used when the two coordinated singular pronouns are replaced by one plural pronoun. The other mechanism is used when the person features of the two singular pronouns determine the person feature of a corresponding verb.
This item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Academic publications [248380]
- Faculty of Social Sciences [30735]
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