The Anthropological Study of Customary Law for Practical-juridical ends: some remarks on methodology
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Oñati : Oñati Institute for the Sociology of Law
Strijbosch, A.K.J.M; Foblets, M.-C. (ed.), Relations Familiales Interculturelles - Cross-cultural Family Relations, pp. 15-27Publication type
Part of book or chapter of book
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Strijbosch, A.K.J.M
Foblets, M.-C.
Onderzoekcentrum voor Staat en Recht
Book title
Strijbosch, A.K.J.M; Foblets, M.-C. (ed.), Relations Familiales Interculturelles - Cross-cultural Family Relations
Page start
p. 15
Page end
p. 27
Emancipation of Minorities in Legal Perspective; Recht en Emancipatie van MinderheidsgroepenThis item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Academic publications [242524]
- Faculty of Law [26425]
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