Godfroij, A.J.A.; Nelissen, N.J.M. (ed.), Verschuivingen in de besturing van de samenlevingPublication type
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Godfroij, A.J.A.
Nelissen, N.J.M.
Strategie - t/m 2007
Bestuurskunde t/m 2019
Book title
Godfroij, A.J.A.; Nelissen, N.J.M. (ed.), Verschuivingen in de besturing van de samenleving
Decision networks concerning large water areas; Modern classics on administrative innovation; Strategy Formation in (Dutch) Large and Medium-sized Municipalities; The rise of postmodern forms of governance and organization; Beleidsnetwerken met betrekking tot de grote wateren; Internationalisering van Europa; Moderne klassieken inzake bestuurlijke vernieuwing; Strategische beleidsvorming in grote en middelgrote gemeentenThis item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Academic publications [247994]
- Nijmegen School of Management [18936]
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