Secularisering en ontzuiling in Nederland, 1979 - SOCON 1979~Religion in Dutch society, 1979 - SOCON 1979
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Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (v/h KUN)
Social sciences
Key words
sociology; religion; 1979Abstract
Estimation of the extent to which church oriented religions and christian beliefs are of importance to, or connected with: values, opinions, attitudes and behaviour in the secular sphere of life.
Main topics: religion / values / conservatism / political attitudes / views on social change. Dimensions of religion: church involvement / world view / salience ( i.e. subjective importance of religion ).
Aspects of church involvement: church membership and participation / participation in rites of passage / heteronomy versus autonomy in relation to the church / advocacy of a pluralist, democratic church structure / narrow view about tasks of the church.
Aspects of world view: existence of an ultimate reality / meaning of life / meaning of suffering and death. Types of religious outlook: christian / otherwise transcendental / world oriented / agnostic / denial of world view aspects stated above ( atheism ).
Aspects of salience of religion: religious reflection and experience / central role of religion in life / communication about and media exposure to world view themes / church oriented religion / subjective importance of religion in general and for making decisions.
( Types of ) value systems: bourgeois / nature-oriented / inner life / hedonistic / social criticism / common humanity / traditional achievement values / traditional family values.
Aspects of conservatism: restrictions on civil liberties / opposition to income and status equalization / opposition to tougher trade-union policy / rejection of intervention in life and death ( abortion, euthanasia ) / traditional view on women / economic and cultural conservatism.
Aspect of political attitudes: political participation / media exposure to political issues / participation in extra-parliamentary actions / political interest / discontentment with politics / political self- perception ( left, right rating )
views on social change: discontentment with society / opposition to versus active advocacy of social change.
Various related notions and key words: religious data on parents and grandparents / ideology / marriage / baptism / funeral / God / bible / horoscopes / meditation / charity / family planning / suicide / European unification / freedom of speech, publication, demonstration, criticism of monarchy, refusal of military service, occupation of buildings.
Note: machine readable or hard copy codebook available, containing extensive documentation in English.
Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files.
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- Datasets [1853]
- Faculty of Social Sciences [30029]