Netherlands. Comparative study of member states on immigration law, with special reference to deportation and administrative detention
Publication year
Milaan : Giuffrè Editore
Nascimbene, B. (ed.), Expulsion and Detention of Aliens in the European Union Countries, pp. 413-440Related links
Publication type
Part of book or chapter of book
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Nascimbene, B.
Centrum voor Migratierecht
Onderzoekcentrum voor Staat en Recht
Languages used
English (eng)
Book title
Nascimbene, B. (ed.), Expulsion and Detention of Aliens in the European Union Countries
Page start
p. 413
Page end
p. 440
Emancipation of Minorities in Legal Perspective; Recht en Emancipatie van MinderheidsgroepenThis item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Academic publications [242686]
- Electronic publications [129576]
- Faculty of Law [26425]
- Open Access publications [104175]
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