Uncovering the unknown: A grounded theory study exploring the impact of self-awareness on the culture of feedback in residency education
Publication year
Medical Teacher, 39, 10, (2017), pp. 1065-1073ISSN
Publication type
Article / Letter to editor
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Primary and Community Care
Journal title
Medical Teacher
vol. 39
iss. 10
Page start
p. 1065
Page end
p. 1073
Radboudumc 18: Healthcare improvement science RIHS: Radboud Institute for Health Sciences; Primary and Community Care - Radboud University Medical CenterAbstract
AIM: Self-assessment and reflection are essential for meaningful feedback. We aimed to explore whether the well-known Johari window model of self-awareness could guide feedback conversations between faculty and residents and enhance the institutional feedback culture. METHODS: We had previously explored perceptions of residents and faculty regarding sociocultural factors impacting feedback. We re-analyzed data targeting themes related to self-assessment, reflection, feedback seeking and acceptance, aiming to generate individual and institutional feedback strategies applicable to each quadrant of the window. RESULTS: We identified the following themes for each quadrant: (1) Behaviors known to self and others - Validating the known; (2) Behaviors unknown to self but known to others - Accepting the blind; (3) Behaviors known to self and unknown to others - Disclosure of hidden; and (4) Behaviors unknown to self and others - Uncovering the unknown. Normalizing self-disclosure of limitations, encouraging feedback seeking, training in nonjudgmental feedback and providing opportunities for longitudinal relationships could promote self-awareness, ultimately expanding the "open" quadrant of the Johari window. CONCLUSIONS: The Johari window, a model of self-awareness in interpersonal communications, could provide a robust framework for individuals to improve their feedback conversations and institutions to design feedback initiatives that enhance its quality and impact.
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- Academic publications [247994]
- Faculty of Medical Sciences [93947]
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