Validation-driven protein-structure improvement
Radboud University, 18 november 2016
Promotor : Vriend, G. Co-promotor : Joosten, R.P.
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Radboudumc 19: Nanomedicine RIMLS: Radboud Institute for Molecular Life SciencesAbstract
High-quality protein structure models are essential for many Life Science applications, such as protein engineering, molecular dynamics, drug design, and homology modelling. The WHAT_CHECK model validation project and the PDB_REDO model optimisation project have shown that many structure models in the Protein Data Bank can be improved by re-interpretation of the original experimental data. This thesis has added several methods to validate and optimise details of structure models including backbone angles, peptide conformations, Zinc binding sites and B-factors.
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- Academic publications [242524]
- Dissertations [13651]
- Electronic publications [129515]
- Faculty of Medical Sciences [92283]
- Open Access publications [104134]
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