Context-Aware Support for Stress Self-Management: From Theory to Practice
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S.l. : s.n.
SIKS Dissertation Series ; No. 2016-43
Number of pages
221 p.
RU Radboud Universiteit, 10 oktober 2016
Promotor : Kraaij, W. Co-promotor : Neerincx, M.A.
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Data Science
SIKS Dissertation Series; Data ScienceAbstract
In my research I investigated how new technologies, like sensors and apps, can be used to help people cope better with stress. I found that the computer can recognize whether someone works under stress by looking at facial expressions and body posture. By combining literature from several fields, I made an overview of how someone can best be supported by means of technology: The computer can make your work easier (e.g. by filtering emails, or finding relevant information), it can help you cope better with acute stress (e.g. provide you a relaxation exercise, encourage you to seek support from colleagues), or it can motivate you to recover after work (e.g. by working out, or getting enough sleep). I also put much effort into users and their needs and concerns, e.g. regarding privacy.Proefschrift
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