Still in the Picture: Photographs at Graves and Social Time
Publication year
London and New York : Routledge
Studies in Death, Materiality and the Origin of Time ; 3
Bjerregaard, P.; Rasmussen, A. E.; Sorensen, T. F. (ed.), Materialities of Passing: Explorations in Transformation, Transition and Transience, pp. 85-109Publication type
Part of book or chapter of book
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Bjerregaard, P.
Rasmussen, A. E.
Sorensen, T. F.
Leerstoel Vergelijkende Godsdienstwetenschappen
Languages used
English (eng)
Book title
Bjerregaard, P.; Rasmussen, A. E.; Sorensen, T. F. (ed.), Materialities of Passing: Explorations in Transformation, Transition and Transience
Page start
p. 85
Page end
p. 109
Studies in Death, Materiality and the Origin of Time; Center for Religion and Contemporary Society (CRCS)This item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Academic publications [242586]
- Electronic publications [129566]
- Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies [11524]
- Open Access publications [104156]
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