The relationship between clinical severity of Noonan's syndrome and growth, growth hormone (GH) secretion and response to GH treatment.
Publication year
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism, 15, 2, (2002), pp. 175-80ISSN
Publication type
Article / Letter to editor
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Paediatrics - OUD tm 2017
Human Genetics
Journal title
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism
vol. 15
iss. 2
Page start
p. 175
Page end
p. 80
Inborn errors of metabolism; Elucidation of hereditary disorders and their molecular diagnosis; Erfelijke stofwisselingsziekten; Opheldering van erfelijke ziekten en hun moleculaire diagnostiekAbstract
Short stature is one of the major features of Noonan's syndrome (NS). In a multicentre trial of growth hormone (GH) therapy in 25 children with NS, we observed a large inter-individual variation in first-year response to GH treatment. This suggested that subgroups might exist in NS that differ in either endogenous GH status or responsiveness to GH therapy. We therefore related growth, GH secretion and 2 years response to GH treatment to subtypes of phenotypic expression of NS. Twelve patients were moderately affected and 13 had a severe clinical phenotype of NS. The variability in phenotype did not correlate with significant differences in intra-uterine growth, infancy growth or childhood growth, and response to GH treatment. However, the variability in phenotype severity did account for striking differences in endogenous GH secretion.
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- Academic publications [243399]
- Faculty of Medical Sciences [92493]
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