Noot bij: HvJ EU 19 november 2014, JIN, 2015, 67 (The Queen, on the application of ClientEarth v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
Publication year
Jurisprudentie in Nederland, 3, 19 november 2014, pp. 470-477, article 67ISSN
19 november 2014
Publication type
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Onderzoekcentrum voor Staat en Recht
Journal title
Jurisprudentie in Nederland
vol. 3
Languages used
Dutch (dut)
Page start
p. 470
Page end
p. 477
Principles of Public Law; Grondslagen van het publiekrechtThis item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Academic publications [242948]
- Faculty of Law [26429]
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