Dihydropyrimidinase deficiency: structural organization, chromosomal localization, and mutation analysis of the human dihydropyrimidinase gene
Publication year
Number of pages
10 p.
American Journal of Human Genetics, 63, (1998), pp. 717-726ISSN
Publication type
Article / Letter to editor
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Paediatrics - OUD tm 2017
Journal title
American Journal of Human Genetics
vol. 63
Page start
p. 717
Page end
p. 726
Purine and pyrimidine metabolism in relation with malignant disorders and other diseases; Purine en pyrimidine metabolisme in relatie tot maligne aandoeningen en andere ziektenThis item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Academic publications [242686]
- Faculty of Medical Sciences [92292]
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