ASR-based CALL systems and learner speech data: new resources and opportunities for research and development in second language learning
Publication year
Reykjavic, Iceland : ELRA
Calzolari, N.; Choukri, K.; Declerck, T. (ed.), Proceedings of LREC 2014, pp. 2708-2714Annotation
Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 31 mei 2014
Publication type
Article in monograph or in proceedings
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Calzolari, N.
Choukri, K.
Declerck, T.
Loftsson, H.
Maegaard, B.
Mariani, J.
Moreno, A.
Odijk, J.
Piperidis, S.
CLST - Centre for Language and Speech Technology
Languages used
English (eng)
Book title
Calzolari, N.; Choukri, K.; Declerck, T. (ed.), Proceedings of LREC 2014
Page start
p. 2708
Page end
p. 2714
CHAllenging Speech training In Neurological patients by interactive Gaming' (CHASING); Language and Speech, Learning and Therapy; Language in Society; Second Language Acquisition/Computational Linguistics; Variation and DistanceThis item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Academic publications [247994]
- Electronic publications [135362]
- Faculty of Arts [30165]
- Open Access publications [108749]
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