Oersetter: Frisian-Dutch statistical machine translation
Publication year
Ljouwert : Fryske Akademy
Boersma, P.; Brand, H.; Spoelstra, J. (ed.), Philologia Frisica anno 2012, pp. 287-296Publication type
Part of book or chapter of book
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Boersma, P.
Brand, H.
Spoelstra, J.
Communicatie- en informatiewetenschappen
Languages used
English (eng)
Book title
Boersma, P.; Brand, H.; Spoelstra, J. (ed.), Philologia Frisica anno 2012
Page start
p. 287
Page end
p. 296
ADNEXT (Adaptive Information Extraction over Time); Aligned constructions in machine translation; Language & Speech Technology; Language in Society; NederlabAbstract
In this paper we present a statistical machine translation (SMT) system for Frisian to Dutch and Dutch to Frisian. A parallel training corpus has been established, which has subsequently been used to automatically learn a phrase-based SMT model. The translation system is built around the open-source SMT software Moses. The resulting system, named Oersetter, is released as a website for human end users, as well as a web service for software to interact with. We here discuss the workings, setup and performance of our system, which to our knowledge is the very first Frisian-Dutch SMT system.
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- Academic publications [242524]
- Electronic publications [129515]
- Faculty of Arts [29718]
- Open Access publications [104134]
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