Koldeweij, Jos; Geysen, Inge; Tahon, Eva (ed.), Liefde & Devotie. Het Gruuthusehandschrift: kunst en cultuur omstreeks 1400, pp. 149Publication type
Part of book or chapter of book
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Koldeweij, Jos
Geysen, Inge
Tahon, Eva
Kunstgeschiedenis (t/m 2018)
Languages used
Dutch (dut)
Book title
Koldeweij, Jos; Geysen, Inge; Tahon, Eva (ed.), Liefde & Devotie. Het Gruuthusehandschrift: kunst en cultuur omstreeks 1400
Page start
p. 149
Memory: Cultural and Religious IdentitiesThis item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Academic publications [247994]
- Faculty of Arts [30165]
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