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Rooijakkers, G. (ed.), De hemel in tegenlicht. Macht en devotie in het aartsbisdom Mechelen, pp. 66-83Annotation
Wetenschappelijke catalogus bij gelijknamige tentoonstelling, Mechelen 21-03-2009 / 21-06-2009
Publication type
Part of book or chapter of book
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Rooijakkers, G.
Leerstoel Empirische en praktische religiewetenschap
Former Organization
Kernleerstoel Empirische Religiewetenschap
Book title
Rooijakkers, G. (ed.), De hemel in tegenlicht. Macht en devotie in het aartsbisdom Mechelen
Page start
p. 66
Page end
p. 83
Research Program in Religious Studies; Transformation of Religion in the Frameworks of Modernity; Onderzoeksprogramma Religiewetenschappen; Transformation of Religion within the Frameworks of ModernityThis item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Academic publications [242948]
- Electronic publications [129673]
- Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies [11497]
- Open Access publications [104246]
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